August @ 5 Months
Weighs 16 lbs & 10 ounces Is 27 1/2″ tall Was a champ at his doctors apt this month & with his shots Traveled to Buffalo to see his cousins Can get his butt in the air when he … Continued
Weighs 16 lbs & 10 ounces Is 27 1/2″ tall Was a champ at his doctors apt this month & with his shots Traveled to Buffalo to see his cousins Can get his butt in the air when he … Continued
Loves to be outside. Going for a walk in the stroller, swinging in the backyard, laying on a blanket in the grass or on the trampoline. Is ticklish under the arms, feet & on his right side when I … Continued
This little boy is amazing! Such a happy and good little boy. Sleeps through the night Stays up with us at night sometimes & loves laying between us in our bed as we read Laughs!! So cute, smiles so big! … Continued
weighs 34 pounds Does what he wants Gets upset if he can’t do want he wants Everything must be fun Is fully potty trained (still working on night time) Is a very silly kid, loves to make you and … Continued
Loves kicking off blankets, he is never covered in the morning Loves being wrapped up with mommy! He gives a big smile when he sees me getting ready. Sleeps great at night almost 7 hours!! Just one feeding around … Continued
Yay Quiet time and nap time means 2nd cup of coffee for Mom & cleaning. Not much of a break but I will take it.
Lionel is growing so fast now. He is starting to use sign language. He signs milk when he wants milk or food. Will sign food if you ask him if he wants to eat or have food. I asked him … Continued
Weighs 22 pounds Is 29″ inches tall Wants to walk sooo bad but isn’t quit ready yet Super fast at crawling, using his walker and climbing on everything Loved his first vacation at the ocean Loves to clap Loves to … Continued
Weighs 20 pounds Is crazy fast at crawling especially if you are trying to catch him and put a diaper on Sitting in his knees Pulls him self up from anything Loves walking when you hold his two hands Not … Continued