This little boy is amazing! Such a happy and good little boy.
- Sleeps through the night
- Stays up with us at night sometimes & loves laying between us in our bed as we read
- Laughs!! So cute, smiles so big!
- Drools
- Plays with his toys, grabs them & eats them
- Almost gets his feet
- Loves to curl up having his feet up high. Especially when you take his diaper off.
- Loves to kick.
- Was a champ getting his shots, although it made Mommy pretty emotional
- Loves his bath in his little tub with no sling
- Does really good traveling with us everywhere
- Spent the night at Grandma & Grandpa Moo with us and did great
- Spent the whole day with Grandpa & Grandma while we were at a conference and was an awesome little man, with bottles and all
- Is in 6 month clothes
- Takes lots of little naps during the day and one big one
- Love, loves, loves being held & carried
- Laughs at Sissy & Brother
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