August @ 9 Months

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  • weighs 21 lbs 14 oz
  • Is 29 & 1/2 inches tall
  • Is officially crawling on his hands & knees
  • says mama & dada
  • loves playing with the puppies especially Apollo. Apollo will give August kisses & clean his ears
  • loves to eat smacks his lips
  • still eats every 3 – 4 hours
  • went to Nantucket for Uncle Chad’s wedding
  • touched the ocean
  • loves going for walks in the stroller
  • has 4 teeth 2 & 2 top & bottom
  • fights his naps sometimes just take one long one, one short one, 2 short ones. It’s all over no schedule
  • loves sleeping with mommy & daddy
  • plays with his toys with his brother & sister or just by himself
  • such a happy little guy <3
  • does a great job on the potty
  • loves to clap
  • rolls the ball back & forth to you. He is amazing.
  • his coordinating skills are amazing

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