August Knight @ 1 month

posted in: Baby Things, Mom | 0

  • weighs 11lbs
  • is 23.5″ tall
  • Loves watching faces
  • Enjoys belly time, lifts his head right off the floor & moves his arms & legs like he is ready to crawl
  • Loves naked time & peeing during it usually when we are distracted
  • Has the biggest smiles for Mommy, especially after his belly is full
  • Eats great and is such a natural, of course I am more comforable after the first 2 
  • Sleeps great even if he sleeps all day he still seems to sleep pretty good at night 
  • Usually takes one big nap during day at some point with lots of little ones during the day 
  • Will sleep when brother and sister are running and playing all around him 
  • Wakes right up with brother and sister head to bed for Mommy & Daddy time 
  • His first outing was to the chiropractor, besides his doctor appointments just too cold for him to go outside with this crazy cold weather we are having 
  • Caprice loves to hold him, lay with him on the floor and rock him in the swing 
  • Lionel loves to check his diaper for poopy, then runs away 
  •  Lionel also likes to hold August but usually it is pretty quick 
  • August loves watching his big sister
  • He loves baths in his hammock bath tub and Caprice & Lionel love to help

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