Lionel @ 18 Months

posted in: Mom | 0

…is tall
…is one crazy man
…loves his daddy especially after bath time currently he won’t let him go
…loves his sister and is getting better at taking turns and sharing
…likes to push Capri which she isn’t a fan of
…will push threw a crowd to so he can see the monkeys at the zoo or whatever his heart desires at the moment
…has his own language which i love listening too
…loves outside but doesn’t last too long in the snow
…throws his food when he is done or doesn’t want what we are having that night
…loves to snack
…uses milk sign for drinks
…does good on the potty for us but also fights us as well, good days and bad days right but I know once he next that next step he will be awesome at it
…love love loves to climb EVERYWHERE
…loves to slide, still not a huge fan of swinging
…enjoys are busy schedule of going somewhere everyday especially MyGym & Billy Beez
…is a pretty good eater usually it is just getting him to stop playing with his food to take that first bite and then CHOMP its gone
…loves pulled pork

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